Melani Homes Ltd


Melani Home ble opprinnelig stiftet i Ankara i 1987.

Melani Home was originally founded in Ankara in 1987.
The man who founded the company ended his political career in Germany, where he was a political attache at returning to Ankara and establish Melani group.
Melani was the German name of his wife as political colleagues were unable to pronounce, and so became the name of what would later become a large enterprise specific. Bayram Özcan was later mayor of the former Oba municipality (now part of Alanya).

Melani Home was the first announcements of sale of property in Alanya district for foreign buyers. In 2002, opened law for the purchase of Europeans who opened the floodgates of what today is hundreds of thousands of happy international homeowners in this wonderful city.

We will supply the best and most independent provision of real estate services such as Alanya can muster.

Building Turkey's best bank independent real estate service owned by employees

Core Values