Melani Homes Ltd


In bidding bids must be submitted in writing to our bid screen. That way we can even receive information about the desired start date, bank contact and any conditions of the offer.

For the broker should be able to convey the offer must accept the bid deadline not be shorter than 12:00 pm the first working day after the last advertised view, neither the seller nor the market. (Saturday and Sunday are not counted as working days).

Important considerations when bidding:

1 On request, the mediator will inform about current bid on the property, including the relevant subject.

2 Bids submitted to the broker, which conveys these to the Client.

3 The bet Content: In addition to the property's address (or gnr / BNR), purchase price, bidder's name, address, email address, phone number etc.. Should a bid include: Funding plan, payment plan, acceptance deadline closing date and any modifications; so uncertain financing, sale of current residence, etc.. Normally not an offer subject to be accepted before the reservation is cleared. Consult happy with the broker before bids are made.

4 Normally required that the bidder bids submitted in writing to the broker. Subsequent changes to the bid submitted, however, often verbally, but preferred writing for the sake of formality.

5 The broker will give their unsolicited assessment of each bid to the client.

6 The broker will as far as is necessary and possible keep bidders informed about new and higher offer and any subject.

Important contractual matters:

1 There is no right to cancel the sale / purchase of real estate.

2 Once a bid has been submitted to the broker, and he has communicated the contents of the offer to the seller (so the seller has become aware of the bid), the bid can not be withdrawn. The bid is then binding on the bidder until the time limit expires, unless bid before that time rejected by the seller or bidder receives notice that the property is sold to another (you should not bid on multiple properties at the same time if you do not want to buy more than one property).

3 Seller is free to reject or accept any bid, and such is not obliged to accept the highest bid.

4 When an acceptance of an offer has been received by the bidder in acceptance deadline, it entered into a binding agreement.

5 Remember that even a possible bid from the seller to the buyer (so-called "counter proposal"), under contract law is a binding offer, which means that there is an agreement for the sale of the property if the bid timely accepted by the buyer.